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Second citizenship

A citizenship provides for you as an investor more travel flexibility, greater mobility and security.
Besides the citizenship program, we will always assist you with your investment projects, property acquisition and setting up your business in Dominica as well in other countries.

5 Reasons to join Dominica’s Global Community

  • ◊ Become a citizen of the Nature Isle of the Caribbean. The COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA
  • ◊ GREATER MOBILITY and travel flexibility
  • ◊ SAFEGUARD the future of your family and business
  • ◊ Pursue new INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES to expand your wealth

Beside those 5 main reasons there are many other benefits to join the Dominican Global Community. MDM Consultancy & Marketing which will act as your representative for the citizenship application will inform you all the benefits.

Dominica Citizenship by Investment programs

Economic Citizenship Contribution

The highly reputable Citizenship by Investment Program in Dominica invites investors of good character to make an economic contribution to Dominica and in exchange, the applicant and their family are eligible to obtain full citizenship of the country, within the strict guidelines of the law.

Citizenship by Real Estate Investment

A US$ 220,000 investment, with additional government fees, in a Government approved real estate entitles you to apply for citizenship of Commonwealth of Dominica.